Sunday, February 27, 2011

First Blood

"The beginnings of all things are small."

I got my first bit of action today in my new Eve Online career, and while it wasn't the most earth shattering kill, it's a start. After an entire night of fishing and getting no bites with my RL buddy Highly Admiral in Agralliarer, I was a bit frustrated. I had painted a picture of Hisec piracy that was perhaps a bit too glowing for Admiral and was a bit disappointed that we were unable to rope in any suckers yesterday. There will of course be valleys to go along with the peaks, and being somewhat new to the hisec piracy game myself, starting off with a goose-egg shouldn't be entirely surprising I suppose.

Not one to give up without making sure all sides of the proverbial dick are rubbed raw by the proverbial cheese grater, I awoke this morning, waited patiently until my girlfriend was firmly distracted by her terrible World of Warcraft PUG and decided to take another shot at roping in a sucker.

The Victim (grats, you are the first):

Let me start off by saying that I had fully intended to share this with you all via youtube, but unfortunately my fraps settings were fubar'ed and the video turned out shitty. Combine that with the fact that I had audio turned on and you could hear me give the aforementioned girlfriend lip when she tried to talk to me (this kind of made the video better, actually), and needless to say, it just didn't jive. As a result, this post is going to be a bit more wordy than future posts.

In any case, it started as most of these things do. I scanned down a Harby and warped my vigil into the mission. It turned out that the mission was finished and I noticed that the Harby had a Coercer friend helping him salvage, so I got to quick work to deprive them of as much of said salvage as I could. I immediately flipped a can aggressing myself, and flew close to the duo to swipe as much salvage as I could, figuring the more insistently annoying I was, the better the chance of someone taking a potshot. I managed to beat them to almost every wreck, but neither seemed terribly interested in shooting.

When all the medium and large wrecks were salvaged, I figured this was another miss and aligned to station, lingering slightly, hoping that they would take a parting shot. Just as I was about to hit my warp key another player entered the field, a Myrmidon owned by our friend Alucard Dark.

Almost as soon as he landed, I was instantly yellowboxed. Judging by the speed at which he targetted me after landing I figured maybe this guy was some sort of PvP-fit reinforcement so I flipped on my passive targeter and ship scanner and naturally enough, it was just another carebear pve fit. Scram? Of course not. Web? Nope. So I held my breath for a few seconds, hoping he was as stupid as I hoped and sure enough, he bit and took the shot. I immediately warped towards the station to grab my Tengu.

Tengu in hand, I warped back, desperately hoping he was still there, and sure enough he was. Only problem was, he was at this point nearly 70km away from the warp-in, having burned towards his buddies. My Tengu goes at around 800 m/s and my point can hit at 40km when overheated, which means he had around 30-40 seconds to align and warp off. Plenty, surely?

I started towards him, fully expecting he would take the path of least retarded and be long gone by the time I got within point range of him. Instead of course, he yellowboxed me again and burned back towards my tengu... in a myrm. Not what I expected to be sure, but hey, I'll take it.

At this point, it was already over. I got him pointed and flew in close, turned on the neut and started pounding him with HAMs. After about 10 seconds and halfway through his armor i stopped firing and opened a convo, hoping to swindle an extra 10 or 15 mil in ransom to go along with my killmail but unfortunately he ignored it. I flew circles around him for another minute or so hoping he would accept, but instead, his Harby buddy apparently got brave and decided to agress in an attempt to save him.

With both Battlecruisers pounding on me (to almost no affect at all), I gave up on the convo idea. When I had the Myrm in half structure, I noticed that the Harby was aligning to the station (probably thinking better of getting involved), so I took a chance and deactivated the point on the myrm (assuming correctly he too busy panicking to notice that the point dropped and try to warp). I was about a half second from activating it on the harby when he entered warp and escaped. I finished off the myrm without incident and took my time looting the field.

I tried one more convo, but it was not to be as he almost immediately ragelogged. I took some potshots at the Harby who was undocked at the station, but he docked up without agressing, officially ending the encounter.

So, not the most auspicious beginning, but first blood has been drawn. Despite the slow start, I am absoloutely thrilled with my new chosen profession and eagerly look forward to more entertaining kills to come.

Killmail here:

More lulz to come, next time with more pictures and/or movies and less words.


P.S. Am I the only one who just *loves* the little "Empire Kill" carebear icon that Battleclinic has? Delicious!

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