Thursday, July 28, 2011

The War is dead, long live the War.

War is over in Delve, but it is just beginning in Catch.

I have mixed feelings about this development, as I really don't like the Refugee Coalition of MM/RZR/Br1ck, but I happen to hate the DRF even more than Refugees. I suppose that a cessation of hostilities at home does present me with more wonderful opportunities to go and fuck with Drone Russians in Catch, so that is a mark in the plus column for this whole thing.

For some background, our friends in Against All Authorities capitalized on Drone Russian deployment up to old Northern Coalition space by sacking most of the systems in Provi/Catch that White Noise. had taken from them in wars of antiquity. With the war in the north sweeping into clusterfuck space and their part in the conflict more or less finished, White Noise. and friends resolved to come back home and "crush" AAA and their allies, not only to retake their space, but to sweep AAA off the map altogether.

With the overwhelming wealth and supercapital superiority of the DRF forces, this seemed like it would be a fairly easy thing to do, and indeed, WN. had a few early victories, but with the entire south rallying to assist AAA against the might of the DRF, things may not be as simple as the Drone Russians think.

We (S2N) have already had one smashing victory against White Noise. and NC. in providence (I totally meant to write up a BR for this), as well as a Red Alliance titan kill yesterday in Tenerifis (Boom), so Nulli and friends participation in this war should make this a pretty interesting fight.

Personally, I see the fights we had with MM and co. as something of an idle distraction. Most people who know eve politics understand that fights like these could only go on for so long before something gives and non-invasion bropacts are made. The DRF on the other hand, is a serious threat. With clusterfuck forces still being pressed hard in Pure Blind and Fade (though after the VFK hostage situation, not as hard), and WN. and NC. pushing AAA hard in Teneferis, Catch, and Provi, these Reds seem to be intent on literally conquering the world.

Their expansion must be stopped, and if making peace with the former Northern Coalition blob is part of the price to pay to go make sure that they are, that's a price that seems worthwhile to pay.

Hopefully good fights and good times will be had. Stay Tuned.


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