Saturday, July 30, 2011

Hubris, shame, and lessons learned.

So, I lost a paladin yesterday, and I learned a few things.

It went down something like this. I had docked my ratting paladin in a station a few jumps from my normal ratting system, and logged in yesterday intent on moving it back to the corp POS in the system where I normally store it. There were reports of reds in the area, so I held off for a while, waiting for things to die down. I logged my main in and chased the reds for a bit in an alliance fleet until they, seemingly, left the area. So I scouted my alt in the paladin to one system outside my destination. There was a bit of confusing intel about the location of the reds, and just as I entered the system, they returned. My heart jumped a bit as I was afraid I may be caught, but I quickly parked my ratting ship in a nearby alliance pos (first mistake), and tabbed out to my main account to rejoin the home defense fleet. I briefly tabbed back to my alt as it was exiting warp to the POS to set it to orbit the POS, or so I thought. At this point I tabbed back to the main account without much thought given to my second account.

We chased the reds around for a while until it was reported that they were at, and in, one of our posses trying to bump something out. This was, of course, my second mistake as it didn't click to me that they may be trying to bump my ship out. I merrily followed the fleet into the fight at this pos, but not before watching my alt and her beautiful paladin blossom into fire as I landed.

It occurred to me later that as I had tabbed back to my alt to set myself to orbit the POS, I was *just* exiting warp, or more likely, was still in warp. I am sure your imaginations can do the rest.

So yes, I lost a billion isk+ ratting ship. However, as with all losses, I can definitely say I learned a few things.

I learned a good lesson in shame and humility for one. The money itself isn't the issue as I have enough money to replace this ship and its fittings several times over, but the *shame* I felt upon losing it made my stomach turn. This actually not my biggest loss ever, nor even my most embarrassing, but it stung.

I also learned (and frankly I already knew this) that there's no good reason to spend over a billion isk on a subcap pve ship. I used to laugh at people who did it when I was a ninja in high-sec, which is what makes this all the more ironic. As I have settled back into the habits of 0.0 life and was beginning to make more and more isk, I unknowingly was succumbing to the same trap that causes carebears in highsec to spend ridiculous amounts of isk min/maxing their pve ships. Hubris, over-confidence, and the illusion of safety. My entire eve profession used to revolve taking advantage of these idiots, and without even realizing it, I had fallen into the same carebear trap that I used to profit off of.

So anyway, it was a good lesson, and as strange as this may sound, I am glad that it happened. Every time I would move this ship from one system to the next, it was one huge stress-out that I frankly didn't need. Having it gone sort takes a weight off my mind in a strange way.

And of course, just because I can't leave this post without saying it...

Didn't want that ship anyway.


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