Saturday, April 30, 2011

Say hello to my little friend

So I killed a raven with my Jag last night, and it was good.

This may not have been entirely newsworthy, but it definitely made me smile when it happened, so I figured I'd share.

The cliffs notes version of this tomfoolery was I was in this guys mission doing my dirty buisness in the Jag when, after much hemming and hawing, he decided to take a shot. I pinned him down and was working on getting the orca in for a ship swap, but unfortunately the distance between the first warp gate and the 2nd in this mission is about 45km. I tried to fill the time by convoing him and trying to work out a ransom, but he wasn't willing to talk to me so I just sort sat there beating on him, expecting a good long wait.

However, I soon realized that his tank wasn't able to handle my itty bitty AF and the two mobs left in the mission that were shooting him. I could hardly believe it, but within a few minutes he succumed to the fury of my little black frigate that could and went all explody.

I guess the moral of the story here is to never under(or over)estimate carebears or the power of a good resistance hole. :)


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