We formed up for an impromptu op at around 21:00 and were told to hop into our relatively new and as-yet largely untested Armageddon fleet battleships and book it to Delve for a possible fight.
We formed up fairly quickly and got our shit together on our nearby Titan and began to wait while our cyno got in place in Delvecore. We were informed that there was a 60-70 man Abaddon fleet reffing a POS and that a fight was possible. However, all ops recently against the aptly named "Refugee Coalition" of MM/Br1ck have pretty much ended with no fight at all and us shooting a structure out of spite, so I was fairly convinced that this would be yet another blueballs situation. After a few minutes, our FC came onto comms and told us to look alive, as bridge was going up shortly.
We sat quietly for a moment, poised and at the ready... and the order was suddenly given to bridge. When we loaded grid many hearts jumped as we saw said 70 man MM/Brick "Hellcat" Abaddon fleet shooting at a GENTS POS. My excitement was short lived however as the fleet almost immediately warped to the NOL outgate after we appeared on the field, hoping to again avoid a straight fight. Unfortunately for the poor NC refugees, they landed right on top of the dictors that our FC had placed on that gate. One jumped through in case they tried to jump, and the rest stayed at zero on gate and sat, waiting with baited breath to see what the Refugees would do.
The MM fleet now had a terrible choice to make, jump through and attempt to burn out of the bubble and fight or escape, or burn away from the gate and fight here in O-I. Either way, they were very likely committed to some sort of fight. As our Geddons landed on gate, bubbles went up and the Abaddons continued to hesitate, finally opting to burn away from the NOL gate and make a go of it in O-I.
Either way, the Refugee fleet was doomed. Targets wilted and died fairly quickly, due mostly to to MM's rediculous lack of organization. At a certain point a brave MM Scorpion got a jam off on our FC, and was rewarded for his heroism by being the next ship primaried.
Our backup FC took over target calling duties while the primary FC got his jamming situation sorted, and the slaughter continued. In the heat of battle it was a bit difficult to tell exactly how well we were going to end up faring against the Refugee fleet, and I will admit that I personally had concerns about this geddon concept vs. a coherent and well organized Abaddon fleet, but luckily, no one could ever really accuse the NC of being coherent or organized, and the battle was handily won.
Full KB battle report is here:
48 kills vs. 6 losses, with nearly 8 billion ISK worth of hardware removed from the Refugees' hangars. Not bad for a day's work.
I dare say that it may have gone better for MM/Brick if their initial reaction wasn't to just run the fuck away as soon as they saw hostiles in local, as this fight was just about as evenly matched as you can possibly get, with a slight advantage going to the Refugees fleet consisting of the better-tanked Abaddons. As it happens though, they panicked and ran, causing them to go to pieces as the inevitable fight started. I guess the "good fights" that they supposedly came to the thunderdome looking for are only "good" if they involve overwhelming numbers and/or friendly supers on the field. Well, whatever, if they won't fight, I guess we will have to keep *making* them fight.
Major props go to our Logistics. We only had a handful of Guardians to begin with, and they were able to keep almost everyone alive. The few losses we had were mostly in the first moments of the fight before everyone was properly set up. Once everyone was settled the guardians were able to keep up with the damage output of the Abaddons quite easily.\
Good times, and great fight.
- Vil
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