Saturday, July 30, 2011
Hubris, shame, and lessons learned.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
The War is dead, long live the War.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Swingin' in the Wind

Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
We're sorry. (Updated with extra awesome)
Some of you who have been around for a while may remember me. I was the original community manager for EVE. These days, I oversee the PR and Community teams. While most of what I do happens behind the curtains, I am still aware of what’s going on front and center. I would be lying if I said that what’s happening now didn’t make me sad, but I’m not here to ask for your sympathy. To be perfectly honest, I’m here to buy time while we try to sort things out. No sense in lying about it so I'll call a spade a spade.
It’s clear that many of you are
I was wrong to do that and I apologize. We should have said something much sooner. We should have done more to address your concerns and be forthcoming, even if we weren’t going to be able to immediately give you all of the answers you were looking for or the answer your questions in ways that will instantly turn those frowns upside down. To be even more candid, I cannot answer all of your questions, either, but I am working with the people who can to start getting those answers for you. Again, I know we’re doing this past the expiration date of your patience but I hope you’ll bear with me.
I know that, with very few exceptions, most of you don’t know me from Adam. I haven’t earned your trust or respect; therefore I have no right to ask anything of you – but I am going to try, anyway. Can I please count on at least some of you to help bring the pitchforks and torches down a few notches?
Like I said, I won’t be able to answer all of your questions tonight, but I promise we’ll start getting some info out tomorrow. As I see it, the chief complaint is regarding the high cost of goods in the Noble Market. Second, many people are unhappy about the Captain’s Quarters. Third, there are some performance issues with Incarna. I would appreciate it if you would confirm my observations or tell me what I’m missing, but I do ask that you do it in a productive way. I will remove posts without prejudice if they are counterproductive to the conversation I hope to have with you.
If you’ve read this much, thanks for staying with me. If you have something to say, I’d like very much to hear it.
Humbly yours,
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Say hello to my little friend

Sunday, April 17, 2011
Providence Down
However, in my limited free time I negotiated the entry of uCARE into the illustrious Tear Extraction And Reclamation Service [TEARS] Alliance. All of us in uCARE are very excited to be part of one of, if not the original ninja alliance and are looking forward to much lulz to come because of this...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011
"Universe, meet Bob. Bob, EAT universe."

Monday, April 4, 2011
You're Doing It Wrong

Back in Buisness

Anyway, so I flew around this mission for a while in my vigil, looting and salvaging what I could, which if you have ever done this mission, isn't much (as the wrecks all salvage into heavy metal parts). I had pretty much decided that no one was going to shoot me after a few minutes so I figured I'd make the best of this and grab my super-duper ninja stabber to properly loot and pillage this usually fairly lucrative mission.
I burned back to the orca, grabbed Steve (the sleip) and was back just in time to see one of the drakes warp off. The Navy Scorp however, was right on top of me. I locked him up, pointed him, and began to unload. I noticed that between the remaining drake and the scorp my shields were dropping really fast and I was barely able to keep up pulsing my x-large booster and burning through cap booster 800 charges. I had considered trying to get in range of the drake to put some pressure on him to make him leave, but he was almost 50km away, and I didn't want to risk having the point on the battleship drop.

Thursday, March 24, 2011
Hakai Ginma is a cold-blooded killer

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
The Furious Anger

Monday, March 14, 2011
This shit just got real.

Sunday, March 13, 2011
Things are starting to get productive (UPDATED)

Sunday, February 27, 2011
First Blood

Friday, February 25, 2011
Boredom: an impetus.
"The Durango-95 purred away a real horrorshow - a nice, warm, vibraty feeling all through your guttiwuts. Soon, it was trees and dark, my brothers, with real country dark. We fillied around for a while with other travellers of the night, playing hogs of the road. Then we headed West. What we were after now was the old surprise visit. That was a real kick, and good for laughs and lashings of the old ultra-violence."
-Alex DeLarge
A Clockwork Orange.
I thought that was an appropriate quote for my first post here, as this blog, and the new Eve Online corp that goes with it (Creative Asset Re-Appropriation Enterprises), are inspired by a mental state that has simultaneously spawned some of the worst filth and most intense hilarity in the history of the internet: Boredom.
In Eve online I go by Vilio Ashaav, and yesterday I decided to be a high-sec pirate. I don’t have much to show for this decision other than this blog and a new corp with exactly 2 members, so I won’t bore you with too much verbiage and blathering in my first post. I’ll leave it with a simple statement:
Incoming, Lulz.