Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Movin on up!

Well friends, it's been a while. This is not to say I've been idle in my absence from this blog.  

It's been a long road for me down the path of darkness, and I feel that I have learned a lot and come a very long way during my time in New Eden. I can clearly remember being very pleased with myself the first time I ransomed someone's Dominix for 50 million isk. I also remember being downright smug the first time I got 150mil in ransom and then killed the guy anyway and had one of his faction mods drop. I can also remember the pride I felt the time I killed someone's ratting Raven solo in an Jaguar, while he begged that I spare it. This was all a ton of fun and phenomenally profitable, or so I thought at the time. 

However, I can now say with absolute certainty that I was doing it wrong the whole time.

I stole this yesterday:

Frankly, it was easy. TOO easy, in fact to really get into the details and have it be remotely entertaining, but all I can say is that I am not proudly serving as a (very fake) recruitment agent for my new corporation. With my newfound position of (fake) authority, a whole new world has opened to me, and this has inspired me to work towards a new goal.

I'll post more about this goal soon, but until then, damn it feels good to be back in the ninja game... even if the game has changed. :)